Monday, September 27, 2010

Working for a smooth transition

Twenty of our elementary colleagues came together on September 22 and 23 to find ways to bridge the curriculum gaps the are inevitable with a new textbook adoption.  This balanced team of representatives weighed  the pressures of ISTEP, Acuity, Indiana curriculum maps, and Common Core Standards against the scope and sequencing of Math in Focus.  As grade-levels advanced, the gaps became more apparent.  Differences of philosophy and opinion were also weighed and considered within the framework of student success.

A plan was developed.  Each grade-level text was thoroughly examined.  Gaps were filled with the content of other Math in Focus texts and the new vocabulary was added to the master curriculum map.  The teams then produced grade-level documents to share with their colleagues.  These documents identify the big ideas of each chapter, the necessary vocabulary, and the location of necessary content needed to fill the gaps.

The primary focus was to produce documents that would provide students with the content they need to have the greatest opportunity for ISTEP success.  Many teachers will have to go outside of their grade level materials to get what is needed.  Those areas are identified.  Teachers will also have to quicken the pace of their lessons in order for their students to be ready for the Spring ISTEP tests.  It is recommended that teachers simply press on.  Supplement the lessons as needed while understanding that as the Math in Focus curriculum becomes a part of our culture, the gaps will vanish within the next two years.  Building confidence and giving our best efforts for our students is and always has been our students' best opportunity for academic success.

Each building was represented at this two-day workshop.  They are known to each of you.  Please have a conversation with them and continue to work together through this time of transition.

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