Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sign your class up for a wonderful experience: World Math Day.

Registration for World Math Day is now open!

Students play at home and at school against other students around the world in live games of mental arithmetic.  Each game lasts for 60 seconds and students can play up to 100 games, earning points for their personal tally.  Students can play beyond 100 games during the event, but points will only count to the World Maths Day Mathometer, not their personal point score.  The students who answer the most questions correctly appear on the Hall of Fame.  There are 5 different levels of play, 20 games on each level.

Your class's age category should reflect the age of 50% or more of your students. For example: A class of 20 students, 14 of whom are 7 years old and 6 are 8 years old, would participate in the ages 4-7 category.

Go to to learn more and register your class.

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